
Welcome to Django Fiction Outlines!

Being a reusable Django app for managing fiction outlines. Part of the broader maceoutliner project.


The full documentation is at

Code Repo and Issue Tracker

The code repository and issue list for this project can be found at Github.


BSD License for your convenience.


  • Provides models for managing series, outlines, characters, locations, and arcs.
  • Provides tools for managing multiple arcs within the context of a broader story outline.
  • Validates that arcs and outlines follow principles of MACE nesting, and seven point story structure.
  • Calculates estimated length of final manuscript based on complexity of outline.
  • Objects are associated with users to enable permission management.
    • NOTE: Django Fiction Outlines uses an object permission manager called django-rules. This allows extremely flexible permission schemes without crufting up your database or model logic. By default, fiction_outlines will restrict any view or editing to the owner of the object.

What It Doesn’t Do

  • Provide a full UI for managing the changes. An API and views are provided, but templates are very basic. It is expected that you will override the templates to match your overall project.
  • Outline the whole story for you.
  • Write the story for you.
  • Do your laundry.

Running Tests

Does the code actually work?

$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt
$ pytest
$ pytest --flake8


Tools used in rendering this package: