Source code for fiction_outlines.forms

import logging
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from treebeard import forms as tforms
from .models import CharacterInstance, LocationInstance, Outline
from .models import Character, Location, Series, ArcElementNode, StoryElementNode

logger = logging.getLogger('forms')

[docs]class OutlineMoveNodeForm(tforms.MoveNodeForm): ''' Subclass of base ``treebeard`` move node form allowing us to restrict target node options to within a single tree. ''' __position_choices_sorted = ( ('sorted-child', _('Child of')), ('sorted-sibling', _('Sibling of')), ) __position_choices_unsorted = ( ('first-child', _('First child of')), ('left', _('Before')), ('right', _('After')), ) _position = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, label=_("Position")) _ref_node_id = forms.TypedChoiceField(required=True, label=_("Relative to")) def __init__(self, data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=forms.models.ErrorList, label_suffix=':', empty_permitted=False, instance=None, **kwargs): ''' Here's the deal. py:module:`treebeard` has a great API with one exception. That exception is this form. If you want to limit the tree, you need to override the py:method:`treebeard.forms.MoveNodeForm.__init__` method, but because it does some black magic, you can't really ever call ``super()`` for it. Which unfortunately means that we have to embed the whole method in our class with a few small changes. ''' root_node = kwargs.pop('root_node') if not root_node: raise KeyError(_('A root node must be specified')) # pragma: no cover if isinstance(root_node, ArcElementNode): type = 'ArcElementNode' elif isinstance(root_node, StoryElementNode): type = 'StoryElementNode' else: type = 'Unknown' # pragma: no cover logger.debug("OutlineMoveNodeForm was fed a root node of type: %s - pk %s" % (type, # Beginning ``treebeard`` boilerplate. opts = self._meta if opts.model is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('forms.ModelForm has no class specified.') # pragma: no cover # Update the position choice field. self.is_sorted = getattr(opts.model, 'node_order_by', False) if self.is_sorted: # pragma: no cover - We don't user this. Only there for backwards compat. choices_sort_mode = self.__class__.__position_choices_sorted # pragma: no cover else: choices_sort_mode = self.__class__.__position_choices_unsorted self.declared_fields['_position'].choices = choices_sort_mode # Here's where things get different as we need to ensure we only call our altered methods # Update _ref_node_id choices choices = self.__class__.mk_dropdown_tree(opts.model, root_node=root_node, for_node=instance) logger.debug("Length of choices is %d" % len(choices)) self.declared_fields['_ref_node_id'].choices = choices # More ``treebeard`` boilerplate. # Put initial data data for fields into a map, update map with initial data, # and pass this to the constructor. if instance is None: # pragma: no cover initial_ = {} else: initial_ = self._get_position_ref_node(instance) if initial is not None: # pragma: no cover initial_.update(initial) forms.ModelForm.__init__(self, data, files, auto_id, prefix, initial_, error_class, label_suffix, empty_permitted, instance, **kwargs) @classmethod def mk_dropdown_tree(cls, model, root_node, for_node=None): ''' Override of ``treebeard`` method to enforce the same root. ''' options = [] # The difference is that we only generate the subtree for the current root. logger.debug("Using root node pk of %s" % cls.add_subtree(for_node, root_node, options) return options[1:]
[docs]class CharacterInstanceForm(forms.ModelForm): ''' Form for creating character instances ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): character = kwargs.pop('character', None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if character: self.fields['outline'].queryset = Outline.objects.filter( user=character.user) else: raise KeyError(_('character must be specified')) # pragma: no cover class Meta: model = CharacterInstance fields = ( 'outline', 'main_character', 'pov_character', 'protagonist', 'antagonist', 'obstacle', 'villain', )
[docs]class LocationInstanceForm(forms.ModelForm): ''' Form for creating location instances. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): location = kwargs.pop('location', None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if location: self.fields['outline'].queryset = Outline.objects.filter(user=location.user) else: raise KeyError(_('location must be specified')) # pragma: no cover class Meta: model = LocationInstance fields = { 'outline', }
[docs]class CharacterForm(forms.ModelForm): ''' Form for Character model. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if user: self.fields['series'].queryset = Series.objects.filter(user=user) else: raise KeyError(_('Form must be instantiated with a user object.')) # pragma: no cover class Meta: model = Character fields = ( 'name', 'description', 'series', 'tags', )
[docs]class LocationForm(forms.ModelForm): ''' Form class for Locations ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user', None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if user: self.fields['series'].queryset = Series.objects.filter(user=user) else: raise KeyError(_('Form must be instantiated with a user object.')) # pragma: no cover class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'name', 'description', 'series', 'tags', )
[docs]class OutlineForm(forms.ModelForm): ''' Form class for Outline model ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if user: self.fields['series'].queryset = Series.objects.filter(user=user) else: raise KeyError(_('Form must be instantiated with a user object.')) # pragma: no cover class Meta: model = Outline fields = ( 'title', 'description', 'series', 'tags', )
class ArcNodeForm(forms.ModelForm): ''' Form class for arc node form. Handles properties, but not position or parent arc. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): arc = kwargs.pop('arc') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if arc: outline = arc.outline self.fields['assoc_characters'].queryset = CharacterInstance.objects.filter(outline=outline) self.fields['assoc_locations'].queryset = LocationInstance.objects.filter(outline=outline) self.fields['story_element_node'].queryset = StoryElementNode.objects.filter(outline=outline, depth__gt=1) else: raise KeyError(_('form must be instantiated with an arc object.')) # pragma: no cover class Meta: model = ArcElementNode fields = ( 'arc_element_type', 'description', 'assoc_characters', 'assoc_locations', 'story_element_node', ) class StoryNodeForm(forms.ModelForm): ''' Form class for story node form. Handles properties but not position or parent arc. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): outline = kwargs.pop('outline') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if outline: self.fields['assoc_characters'].queryset = CharacterInstance.objects.filter(outline=outline) self.fields['assoc_locations'].queryset = LocationInstance.objects.filter(outline=outline) else: raise KeyError(_('Form must be isntantiated with an outline object.')) # pragma: no cover class Meta: model = StoryElementNode fields = { 'name', 'story_element_type', 'description', 'assoc_characters', 'assoc_locations', }