Source code for fiction_outlines.receivers

Recieving methods for signals go here.

import logging
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save, post_save, m2m_changed
from django.db import IntegrityError
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.template.defaultfilters import truncatewords, truncatechars
from django.dispatch import receiver
from .models import Outline, StoryElementNode, ArcElementNode, CharacterInstance, LocationInstance
from .models import STORY_NODE_ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS, ArcIntegrityError
from .signals import tree_manipulation

logger = logging.getLogger(name='Signals')

# Model-based signal logic appears below here.

[docs]@receiver(pre_save, sender=ArcElementNode) def generate_headline_from_description(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): ''' Auto generate the headline of the node from the first lines of the description. ''' lines = instance.description.split('\n') headline = truncatewords(lines[0], 20) if headline[:-1] == '…': headline = truncatechars(headline.replace(' …', ''), 250) # Just in case the words exceed char limit. else: headline = truncatechars(headline, 250) instance.headline = headline
[docs]@receiver(post_save, sender=Outline) def story_root_for_new_outline(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs): ''' If a new instance of a Outline is created, also create the root node of the story tree. ''' if created and isinstance(instance, Outline): streeroot = StoryElementNode.add_root(outline=instance, story_element_type='root') instance.refresh_from_db()
[docs]@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=ArcElementNode.assoc_characters.through) @receiver(m2m_changed, sender=ArcElementNode.assoc_locations.through) def arc_node_edit_add_missing_characters_and_locations_to_related_story_node( sender, instance, action, reverse, pk_set, *args, **kwargs ): ''' If an arc_element is modified and it's characters/locations are not already in the story node, add them. We don't assume that removing the arc element would change the characters or locations as of yet. This takes up a little more space in the database, but the additional flexibility for users is worth it. ''' if action == 'post_add': logger.debug("Updating nodes after character or location change.") if reverse: logger.debug("Searching backwards from character or location to arc node") # We are going to need to be querying the arc element node. for arcnode in instance.arcelementnode_set.all().select_related('story_element_node'): logger.debug("Scanning arc node...") if arcnode.story_element_node: logger.debug("Found story node to update...") story_node = arcnode.story_element_node if isinstance(instance, CharacterInstance): logger.debug("Updating characters...") story_node.assoc_characters.add(instance) if isinstance(instance, LocationInstance): logger.debug("updating locations...") story_node.assoc_locations.add(instance) else: # We already have the arc_element_node logger.debug('Scanning arcnode instance...') if instance.story_element_node: logger.debug("found story node to update...") story_node = instance.story_element_node if sender == ArcElementNode.assoc_characters.through: logger.debug('Adding character') story_node.assoc_characters.add(*pk_set) if sender == ArcElementNode.assoc_locations.through: logger.debug('Adding locations') story_node.assoc_locations.add(*pk_set)
[docs]@receiver(post_save, sender=ArcElementNode) def story_node_add_arc_element_update_characters_locations(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs): ''' If an arc element is added to a story element node, add any missing elements or locations. ''' arc_node = ArcElementNode.objects.get( logger.debug('Scanning arc_node %s' % arc_node) if arc_node.arc_element_type == 'root': logger.debug("root node. skipping...") else: logger.debug('Checking arc node for story element relationship...') if arc_node.story_element_node: logger.debug('Found a story element node for arc element...') # This change was initiated by the arc element node as opposed to the story node. story_node = arc_node.story_element_node if arc_node.assoc_characters.count() > 0: logger.debug('Found %d characters to add...' % arc_node.assoc_characters.count()) for character in arc_node.assoc_characters.all(): story_node.assoc_characters.add(character) if arc_node.assoc_locations.count() > 0: logger.debug('Found %d locations to add...' % arc_node.assoc_locations.count()) for location in arc_node.assoc_locations.all(): story_node.assoc_locations.add(location)
[docs]@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=ArcElementNode.assoc_characters.through) def validate_character_instance_valid_for_arc(sender, instance, action, reverse, pk_set, *args, **kwargs): ''' Evaluate attempts to assign a character instance to ensure it is from same outline. ''' if action == 'pre_add': if reverse: # Fetch arc definition through link. for apk in pk_set: arc_node = ArcElementNode.objects.get(pk=apk) if arc_node.parent_outline != instance.outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Character Instance and Arc Element must be from same outline.')) else: for cpk in pk_set: char_instance = CharacterInstance.objects.get(pk=cpk) if char_instance.outline != instance.parent_outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Character Instance and Arc Element must be from the same outline.'))
[docs]@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=ArcElementNode.assoc_locations.through) def validate_location_instance_valid_for_arc(sender, instance, action, reverse, pk_set, *args, **kwargs): ''' Evaluates attempts to add location instances to arc, ensuring they are from same outline. ''' if action == 'pre_add': if reverse: # Fetch arc definition through link. for apk in pk_set: arc_node = ArcElementNode.objects.get(pk=apk) if arc_node.parent_outline != instance.outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Location instance must be from same outline as arc element.')) else: for lpk in pk_set: loc_instance = LocationInstance.objects.get(pk=lpk) if loc_instance.outline != instance.parent_outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Location Instance must be from the same outline as arc element.'))
[docs]@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=StoryElementNode.assoc_characters.through) def validate_character_for_story_element(sender, instance, action, reverse, pk_set, *args, **kwargs): ''' Validates that character is from the same outline as the story node. ''' if action == 'pre_add': if reverse: for spk in pk_set: story_node = StoryElementNode.objects.get(pk=spk) if instance.outline != story_node.outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Character Instance must be from the same outline as story node.')) else: for cpk in pk_set: char_instance = CharacterInstance.objects.get(pk=cpk) if char_instance.outline != instance.outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Character Instance must be from the same outline as story node.'))
[docs]@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=StoryElementNode.assoc_locations.through) def validate_location_for_story_element(sender, instance, action, reverse, pk_set, *args, **kwargs): ''' Validates that location is from same outline as story node. ''' if action == 'pre_add': if reverse: for spk in pk_set: story_node = StoryElementNode.objects.get(pk=spk) if instance.outline != story_node.outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Location must be from same outline as story node.')) else: for lpk in pk_set: loc_instance = LocationInstance.objects.get(pk=lpk) if instance.outline != loc_instance.outline: raise IntegrityError(_('Location must be from the same outline as story node.'))
[docs]@receiver(tree_manipulation, sender=StoryElementNode) def validate_generations_for_story_elements( sender, instance, action, target_node_type=None, target_node=None, pos=None, *args, **kwargs ): ''' Unlike arc nodes, for which we just warn about structure, the story tree allowed parent/child rules must be strictly enforced. ''' if action == 'add_child': if instance.story_element_type not in STORY_NODE_ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS[target_node_type]['allowed_parents']: raise IntegrityError(_('%s is not an allowed child of %s' % (target_node_type, instance.story_element_type))) if action == 'update': parent = instance.get_parent() children = instance.get_children() if parent.story_element_type not in STORY_NODE_ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS[target_node_type]['allowed_parents']: raise IntegrityError(_('%s is not an allowed child of %s' % (target_node_type, parent.story_element_type))) if children: for child in children: if target_node_type not in STORY_NODE_ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS[child.story_element_type]['allowed_parents']: raise IntegrityError(_('%s is not permitted to be a parent of %s' % ( target_node_type, child.story_element_type))) if action == 'add_sibling': parent = instance.get_parent() if parent.story_element_type not in STORY_NODE_ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS[target_node_type]['allowed_parents']: raise IntegrityError(_('%s is not an allowed child of %s' % (target_node_type, parent.story_element_type))) if action == 'move': if not pos or 'sibling' in pos or 'right' in pos or 'left' in pos: parent = target_node.get_parent() if (parent.story_element_type not in STORY_NODE_ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS[instance.story_element_type]['allowed_parents']): raise IntegrityError(_('%s is not an allowed child of %s' % ( instance.story_element_type, parent.story_element_type ))) if 'child' in pos: if (target_node.story_element_type not in STORY_NODE_ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS[instance.story_element_type]['allowed_parents']): raise IntegrityError(_('%s is not an allowed child of %s' % ( instance.story_element_type, target_node.story_element_type )))
[docs]@receiver(tree_manipulation, sender=ArcElementNode) def validate_against_prohibited_actions( sender, instance, action, target_node_type=None, target_node=None, pos=None, *args, **kwargs): if action == 'update' and 'mile' in target_node_type: milestones = ArcElementNode.objects.filter( arc=instance.arc, arc_element_type=instance.arc_element_type ).exclude( if milestones: raise ArcIntegrityError(_("You cannot have two of the same milestone within the same arc."))